Monday, March 5, 2012

Doppelgänger's Reaction to Seattle

I missed the bus to go to Pike Place Market.  I was a little bummed, but I resolved to have fun on my own.  After a few minutes of Googling for “how to have fun in Seattle” I decided to just go out and see if I could find a coffee shop or something. 
As I followed my nose for a few blocks looking for an interesting place for breakfast, a couple of things became rapidly apparent.  The first of these was that you can barely go three blocks in a row without finding a Thai restaurant and the second was that there are more bicycles in Seattle than shaved legs. 
I eventually found a place to settle down and have something to eat.  I ordered oatmeal and green tea.  Apparently “green tea” isn’t specific enough for Seattle, because the barista said “what type of green tea?” and showed me the longest list of teas I’ve ever seen.  I pointed to one and grunted.  The oatmeal was delicious, but the tea wasn’t super.  I’ll have to come up  with a different strategy for finding good tea on the rest of tour.

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